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HPE Competency 1-Content Knowledge

Description of Competency: 

1.0 Content Knowledge: A health and fitness teacher understands health/fitness content, disciplinary concepts, and tools of inquiry related to the development of a physically educated and health literate person. 

  • 1.6 Demonstrate understanding of: community and consumer health, social skills, mental and emotional health, nutrition, personal health and safety, disease prevention, environmental factors, substance use and abuse, healthy family life, sexual health, and cultural competence.


Reflective Connections:

This three day learning segment covers health topics on macronutrients, micronutrients, and influences on food choices. These lessons show mastery in the above outcome because it highlights key aspects of nutrition in regards to macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as factors that may influence food choices. Students will be able to apply what they have learned into their lives when it comes to making informed decisions about their diet and overall health. 


The first lesson covers the macronutrients carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The second lesson goes into detail on micronutrients, specifically vitamins, minerals, and water. The final and third lesson covers influences on food choices and how certain food choices can be influenced by a variety of factors, both internal and external. Each daily lesson includes standards, outcomes, and student-friendly objectives, as well as detailed assessments a health and physical education teacher can incorporate to ensure students are comprehending the material being taught. Student-friendly objectives are essential to incorporate in a lesson and are written in a simplified manner so that students know exactly what they will be able to accomplish by the end of the lesson. They also serve as a road map for both the teacher and student, clarifying the purpose of each lesson. 


Understanding nutrition is critical for maintaining good health and establishing healthy habits for both our physical and mental well-being. Nutritious eating not only fuels our bodies physically but also plays a critical role in cognitive function, development, and concentration. Students maintaining a well-balanced diet are more likely to remain attentive in the classroom and excel academically. This three day learning segment on nutrition is geared towards high school students, but can also be modified and used in younger grade levels. With that said, high school students are entering a period marked by growing independence and learning about nutrition can help equip them to make wise and health-conscious food choices when making decisions about their own snacks, and meals that adequately fuel their body. 

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