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HPE Competency 11- Instructional Methodology

Description of Competency: 

11.0 Instructional Methodology: Candidates possess a deep understanding of the pedagogical knowledge specific to health and fitness teaching and learning. 

  • 11.8 Revise instructional practice (teaching/program design) based upon honest and accurate self-reflection.


Reflective Connections: 

This evidence is a reflective paper covering a three-day health learning segment during the health internship at Eastern Washington University. The reflective assignment discusses the educator’s insights on enhancing the health lesson, their assessment of student learning indicators, and their overall impressions of the three-day learning segment. The three-day health segment covered macronutrients, micronutrients, and influences on food choices. The educator aligned the health lesson with national and state outcomes and standards. Every lesson incorporated an assessment to gauge students’ comprehension of the presented information. This evidence demonstrates mastery of the competency associated with this outcome, as the educator can reflect on their teaching practices, determining successful aspects and areas for improvement to enhance future instruction.  


Engaging in self-reflection on teaching experiences is a crucial element for educators. This process allows for the identification of areas where modifications and adjustments can be implemented, whether in instructional strategies, classroom management techniques, or specific activities within the lesson, all aimed at enhancing the overall teaching and learning experience. This evidence highlights the educator’s examination of improvement areas across instruction, classroom management, and assessment. Specifically, the educator emphasizes the need for refinement by providing more in-depth information on each macronutrient, such as the process of glycogen breakdown within the body during instruction. An effective classroom management adjustment involves providing students with more choice in both lesson activities and their preferred note-taking methods during lectures. Although a KWL chart was used as an assessment tool in the three-day learning segment, it proved less effective in gauging students’ pre-existing knowledge of macronutrients and micronutrients. Instead of a KWL chart, a more engaging and technologically integrated substitute for assessment could be a Kahoot quiz, offering a dynamic revision to enhance student participation. This evidence shows mastery of the competency associated with this outcome because the educator can revise instruction to improve teaching and learning practices. Self-reflection is a key part of education because it allows the teacher to take a step back and analyze what went well and what adjustments need to be made so that students thrive. 

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