HPE Competency 4- Management & Motivation
Description of Competency:
4.0 Management and Motivation: A health related fitness teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive and social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation
Reflective Connections:
This evidence piece is a health lesson on social-emotional health and covers self-esteem. Teaching students the importance of self-esteem and the effects it can have on someone is an essential part of health education. This lesson aims to motivate students to engage in healthy behaviors and helps guide students in figuring out ways they can boost their self-esteem so that they can be successful in all aspects of their lives. This piece of evidence shows mastery of the outcome associated with this competency because it focuses on social-emotional health and encourages students to interact with one another positively. The educator creates an atmosphere where students can talk openly about their self-esteem and determine ways they can boost their self-esteem in a healthy and constructive way.
Within the lesson, students are asked to think of a situation in which they felt confident and/or had high self-esteem or to think of someone else they know who was confident/high self-esteem. Next students describe the situation and explain in detail what is happening, and how they feel physically and mentally. Another assignment in this lesson is about choices. Students brainstorm choices someone can make that positively impact self-esteem and list different activities they can engage in to boost their self-esteem. Students also describe what they would do if a friend came to them for advice on how they could boost their self-esteem, writing down what they would say to their friend. Students practice healthy self-esteem strategies, techniques, and activities to strengthen their self-esteem.