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HPE Competency 5-Communication

Description of Competency:
5.0 Communication: A health and fitness teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal, and media communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and engagement in the learning environment.


Reflective Connections:

This evidence piece is a 3-day physical education (PE) learning segment reflection discussing lesson revisions, student learning and comprehension, my overall reaction to the lessons, and what the next steps are moving forward. This piece of evidence shows mastery of the outcome associated with this competency. It illustrates how I displayed effective verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as how I could integrate media or technology to enhance collaboration and active participation in the learning environment. 


During my PE internship, I taught a three-day basketball unit, focusing on dribbling, passing, and shooting techniques. I created detailed lesson plans that included learning outcomes and standards, lesson connections, assessments, instructional strategies, resources and materials, and modifications. Throughout the unit, I used verbal communication to explain each task, physical demonstrations of the skill or activities, as well as having a student demonstrate the skill. Additionally, I used verbal cues for technique and form when providing students with feedback. When it was time to transition to the next task, a simple directive like “hold the ball” effectively commanded immediate attention. When a couple of students were conversing with their peers during instruction, I waited patiently until they quieted down. This reflection evidence shows that I can verbally and non-verbally communicate effectively to engage students in activities. After teaching the three-day basketball segment, a lesson revision I reflected on was to incorporate a technology aspect within the lessons. An engaging method for students to evaluate both themselves and a peer on their dribbling technique could involve studying the techniques of a professional basketball athlete and then allowing students to choose a technology application to explain and document their findings, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. 

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